Sunday 21 October 2012


Just as we were ready for bed, Benjamin asked if he could go downstairs and find his soother.  Off he went while I got the rest of the kids ready.  5 minutes later he came up, sans soother. but wearing a chocolatey toothy grin.  I cocked my head, he answered: I had a chocolate.  (From today's trick or treating downtown)  Actually, I had two chocolates, he admitted.  But I don't need anymore in my tummy today.

I smiled, realizing that in order to get the candy he would have had to have been distracted from finding his soother (a big deal for him), seen the candy, moved a large kitchen chair to the counter, dug in the bucket, and removed the candy wrapper before enjoying the prize.  That's a lot for a two year old. 

(It was another 10 minutes before he realized he was still without a soother.  This time James went to find it)


15 minutes later it was time for evening prayers.  Each person in the family takes turns saying one thing they are grateful for, and one thing they would like to ask for.  The person who prays tries to remember to include all the items.  It was Benjamin's turn to pray, and for the very first time, he actually tried to apply the principle.  While he couldn't remember all the specifics, he folded his little arms and shut his eyes and fervently prayed for something for each person.  (I quickly cut off the boys when they started to protest it hadn't actually been what their prayer requests had been, and we had a quick lesson in personal prayers.)  His concern and thoughtfulness for each family member was nice to see, evidence that he is starting to emerge from the self-centered world of a 2 year old.


Then, as Caleb climbed into bed (or rather, threw himself into the bed) he banged his head hard off of the wood slats at the head of his bed.  He immediately started to cry, or rather, wail, as Caleb does.  I pulled him into my arms to comfort him, and Benjamin climbed over the rail of his bed.  James and I both quickly jumped on Benjamin, telling him to get back in bed.  That adorable little face turned to us, filled with great concern, and stuttered out that he was only going to move Caleb's pillow further down the bed so Caleb wouldn't hit his head again.  James and I shared a smile as we watched him take the time to place the pillow just so.

I love to see moments of compassion like this is my children.  I think compassion is one of the greatest character traits one can cultivate.


Caleb's pillow

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