Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Getting up a little higher

You know that old idea that sometimes you need to get up a little higher to see the true state of something?  That in the midst of a mess that is piling up high you need to get higher to get perspective.  Yeah, that's where I feel today.

After our first experience buying a home, I gained a firm testimony that God's hand is in the details.  I knew this was going to be an area of my life that I could fully put my trust in him to lead me down the right path.  I wasn't going to have to worry about following my heart the wrong way.  When the right house and the right time intersect, then the obstacles will just disappear.

So here we find ourselves, very, very suddenly, considering a move.  (Anyone else hate how such a major decision and purchase are done so quickly?  I mean, I wouldn't even buy a toaster without researching, looking, price comparing, waiting, looking for a sale, and then buying it.  A house you see twice and then jump into the biggest debt you'll carry in your life!)  As soon as we felt impressed to go forward with investigating it, obstacles popped up, and then were just as quickly stripped away.  Owning a business and getting a mortgage?  Bidding against a friend?  Needing to offer firm instead of conditional on the sale of our home?  Boom, boom, boom, everything fell away.

The only disadvantage of waiting for the right house is that our house is not ready to go on the market.  And due to some roof damage last winter, there is a good chance that the renovations already in the works might not be done in time to get our house sold before the other house is gone.

With a different world view, this might have sent me into a spiral of panic or depression or stress.  And yet, I believe there is a plan.  And my experience in getting up a little higher is coming to good use now.  Last night something popped in my mind, something that if we don't move now, but want to move next year, might have made it extremely difficult to do.  Something that is easy to fix now, but would have been impossible to fix later.  So I find myself saying to James "hey, we should make sure we do this if we decide not to move now."

Wow.  I really love the idea of this house now, and if this renovation obstacle melts away also then I have no doubt this is the right path.  But I take comfort in knowing that maybe this experience wasn't about buying this house but instead about buying a different house at a different time.

I'm liking this perspective thing.  It makes life so much more peaceful.

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