Friday 31 January 2014


I haven't written much lately, for two reasons.

The first is that, during January, the kids have been off school due to snow days more days than they have been at school.  The five of us have been occupying the same 500 square feet of space all day, every day, without a wall or door to divide.  The -30C weather is too cold to try and get outside even with long johns and winter gear, and the three feet of snow make it near impossible for little ones to try and walk through it.  We are all losing it a little, and so when night comes my brain has nothing left to give.

The second is that I seem to be catching beautiful inspiring lines here and there, snatches that leave a strong impression and then are gone with the next "Mom!"  I have written at least a dozen blog entries in my mind, which vanish before I have a chance to get them down.

Instead of writing I have been making music.  The violin, the piano, the flute and the guitar have been singing regularly throughout the days here.  The artist in me still stretches her arms out, needing to be released in one way or another.  I mourn the loss of all those wonderful ideas that could have been, and yet there will come more.

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