Tuesday 1 April 2008

Homekeeper Challenge 2008

In this wild, wonderful world wide web, a whole new community has been created. I have found that has a new mom, I have turned inwards, focusing my time, talents and efforts inside my home rather than out. But an interesting thing has happened...I have been able to meet new people, share insights and ideas and get to know old friends a lot better through the blogging community. Spending even just a few minutes a day allows my mind to escape from these four walls and get a glimpse into the lives of other moms.

Through a long, convoluted path (which I won't go into in detail), I came across a blog entry called "The Homekeeper Challenge 2008". A fellow wife and mom is challenging her peers "to fully dive into your God given role" as a homekeeper. She gives some of her ideas of what a homekeeper is, but more importantly, challenges readers to find out what it means to you personally. The rest of the challenge simply entails working at being the best homekeeper you can be, and to write about your progress each week.

What, then, is my own definition of a homekeeper? I'm not sure yet. I know it would include teaching of my children, supporting my husband, creating an atmosphere of peace, growing personally (in physical, mental and spiritual areas), and keeping my own house a house of order.

In fact, our church scripture has an interesting verse that comes to mind as a perfect definition of what I want my house to be. It is in reference to a temple, which is the House of God. I can't think of a better goal to which I can aspire as a homekeeper:

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."

And so I will take up this challenge, and see what it does for me. You're welcome to come along on this journey with me, or perhaps even be inspired to take up the challenge yourself! Either way, sisters unite! Let us rejoice in fulfilling the call we have received as mothers, wives, and homekeepers.


mommy's thoughts! said...

I'm in need of a major housekeeping plan!

Anonymous said...

I am visiting via the Challenge myself, and I look forward to getting to know you as one Keeper of the Home to another. Have a wonderful day.

Chic Mama said...

I am so excited to see you have joined the Challenge and look forward to hearing your ideas and sharing in your progress! Blessing son your journey of defining what it means to be the keeper of your home!
