Thursday, 4 August 2011


Summer is now half over, and I can't believe how it has flown.

To be completely honest, I was worried about how it would go. Colin and Caleb are at a stage where they can really clash. Add Benjamin into the mix and chaos can reign much of the day. And I'm not sure a day has passed that I haven't nearly lost it as all three are squealing in pain or frustration at each other. But all in all, I've managed to keep everyone busy enough that we've manage fairly well.

With the plethora of school supplies filling the store shelves, though, I can't help thinking about the advent of school. Colin will have to start going all day, every day, which is going to be really difficult for him. He still naps many of the afternoons, which I'm going to have to start training him out of soon. Caleb has the option of going all day, every day, but I'm going to pick him up at lunch. He is nowhere close to being ready to give up his nap, and on a day when he doesn't sleep, I'd like to work on some school things with him, just the two of us. Benjamin and I will have every morning together, just the two of us. I have some "big" plans for us.

Monday: Workout and Music classes
Tuesday: Cleaning day. This method (a once a week marathon) always worked best for me.
Wednesday: Play date, Early Years Centre, Library, Park, Field Trip
Thursday: Bible study (Benjamin in child care)
Friday: Play date, Early Years Centre, Library, Park, Field Trip

I hope to do lots of walking, since we both love that. Perhaps some biking, too, if Benjamin starts to like the bike trailer more.

I also have some big ideas about learning at home.

- I'd like to work our way through some more chapter books with the boys (reading aloud) like Peter Pan and Stuart Little.
- I also have some great booklets and learning pages from Enchanted Learning I want to work on with the older boys.
- More arts and crafts at home. We've done a few when we've headed out to the Early Years Centre and the boys, especially Colin, are really enjoying them. We haven't done much up to this point (too messy!)
- Values teaching. I have a great book by Richard and Linda Eyre that outlines a monthly schedule of teaching 12 important values to your kids.
- Scripture verse memory. At one point we were really dedicated in this area, but haven't done much in the last year or so. Time to get back on the horse!
- Reading through the Children's Bible. We have an amazing children's bible, one that goes through most of the bible books in great detail. We read one story every night before bed. Depending on how the mornings go, I'd maybe like to change this to the morning, so that I can read the story while they eat breakfast and ask interactive questions.

Over the next month, I'm going to sit down and do some more in depth planning on these ideas. I think organization is going to be key. I've not had great luck in coming up with a program and sticking to it, but I hope if I have some details written down, I will be more consistent.

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